Ron Hernandez has 20+ years of experience overseeing program development, operational management, marketing, public relations, advertising, digital media and communications for both corporate and non-profit organizations. At The Monday Campaigns, he collaborates with public health experts at Johns Hopkins, Columbia and Syracuse universities and leads an in-house team of marketing and public health professionals to create programs and promotional campaigns that are used by organizations to improve health outcomes for their constituents and customers. These programs have been adopted in settings including hospitals, worksites, communities, and universities, addressing practices in nutrition, stress management, tobacco cessation and physical activity.

Nancy Peplinsky, PhD, is the founder of the Holistic Moms Network, as 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for parents and others interested in holistic health and green living. Nancy has spent her life working in the non-profit sector focusing on empowering women and started the Holistic Moms Network after the birth of her first child. She is now the mom of two boys and also claims motherhood to two furry canine rascals named Luke and Leia.

Alnoor is a real citizen of the world, and a very experimented Businessman and Investor, who has work in many industries during his 35+ years career.

Korin is a Master Fitness Trainer, Health Coach, and Pro Bodybuilder. He is a Military War Veteran that served for 8 years and also served in Operation Iraqi Freedom III and IV. Right now he currently runs his own training business call BodyHD Fitness and within that business, he trains and educates individuals through fitness training and meal plans. Korin is also an international public speaker on the topic of food sports nutrition on a plant-based diet.