Poor dental health is nothing to smile about, particularly for school children. Tooth decay and gum disease in childhood can have lifelong effects on a person’s well-being.
Continue reading “Here’s The Tooth, The Whole Tooth, And Nothing But The Tooth”Planting A Garden and Plant The Seed For Healthier Children
Join The Movement For Movement
Today’s children face a crisis of inactivity which is the root cause of a wide range of health problems. Shape Up Us has joined Active Schools with their movement for “more movement” in our schools and you can help.
Continue reading “Join The Movement For Movement”Think Outside the Lunchbox with Shape Up Us
Move Towards Empowering Yourself
by Paloma Alassaf
We didn’t expect COVID-19 (Coronavirus) to hit hard and fast. One day you’re out walking around freely, sometimes carelessly and the next thing you know, you’re locked down with your whole family. You didn’t know the last time you saw your friends was going to be the last time for the next six months. You are now stuck inside, and life feels like it’s stopped. Don’t fret. If you get cabin fever from being stuck inside, here are three simple ways you can stay moving!
Continue reading “Move Towards Empowering Yourself”