Alnoor is a real citizen of the world, and a very experimented Businessman and Investor, who has work in many industries during his 35+ years career.
Continue reading “ALNOOR SHERIFF”Alnoor is a real citizen of the world, and a very experimented Businessman and Investor, who has work in many industries during his 35+ years career.
Continue reading “ALNOOR SHERIFF”Korin is a Master Fitness Trainer, Health Coach, and Pro Bodybuilder. He is a Military War Veteran that served for 8 years and also served in Operation Iraqi Freedom III and IV. Right now he currently runs his own training business call BodyHD Fitness and within that business, he trains and educates individuals through fitness training and meal plans. Korin is also an international public speaker on the topic of food sports nutrition on a plant-based diet.
Dr. Cie is a Host and Executive Producer Infinite Power Productions. She is an award winning television talk show hostess, working for several years nationally on ABC, NBC, FOX and UPN networks. She currently works as a media psychologist, lecturer and writer, having written self help books and audiobooks and many national health, fitness and self help columns. She is now producing her new show “Beauty and Truth with Dr. Cie.
Josie is a mother, a wife, a life long resident of North Carolina, a long time vegan, and a zero waster. You can follow her journey on her seldom updated blog at zerowasteveg.wordpress.com, catch her at area talks, or join her zero waste efforts in the Facebook group Going Green!
My journey into the Health and wellness field started with my own health challenges. As a child I suffered from eczema and severe problems with respiratory disorders of Asthma, Bronchitis and Pneumonia. I was taking drugs and puffers daily for years to control symptoms and was hospitalized once or twice a year. In my early twenties my health problems had reached a crescendo. Tests were showing that I had lost lung capacity and Medical Doctors recommended a more intense drug regime and they suggested that by my sixes my health could deteriorate to something as serious as emphysema. I had been introduced to the world of natural therapies a few years before but had not used them in earnest until I was faced with this grim future. So, I decided to turn to homeopathy and started on a true wellness journey. Today I have no eczema, I rarely use drugs to control asthma (once every few years), and no hospitalizations for decades.
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