Joyce often works with busy parents and professionals who are highly successful in their careers but are struggling with their digestion, energy, and sleep.
Continue reading “JOYCE ROCKWOOD, CCH”Joyce often works with busy parents and professionals who are highly successful in their careers but are struggling with their digestion, energy, and sleep.
Continue reading “JOYCE ROCKWOOD, CCH”Dr. Chris Kammer is the founding father of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health and he has been an oral systemic consultant for over 200 dental offices. He was ABC World News Tonight’s Person of the Week for founding the national Halloween Candy Buyback and his audition on American Idol was seen by 25 million viewers.
Ruth Wishengrad a popular, creative children’s singer/songwriter, incorporates neuroscience techniques into her songs to boost self-confidence. Ruth has a Masters in Education and has been teaching, training and mentoring individuals for over 25 years. She believes the biggest challenge children face is clearly and effectively expressing their thoughts and feelings. She has developed a program, Self-Talk Songs, to teach children meaningful tools to build strong self-esteem through fun, infectious melodies, rhythms and movements. Ruth brings creativity, humor and fun to everyday situations and connects with children at a heart to heart level.
Continue reading “RUTH WISHENGRAD, M.ED.”Based on what transpired in a few short moments in early 2006, Coach Jim Johnson is now an authority on the subject of realizing your dreams. In his many public-speaking appearances, the Rochester, New York resident relates his role in a basketball game that got Hollywood calling. He also emphasizes the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, delivering his talks with a heartfelt style that has brought audiences to their feet.
Continue reading “COACH JIM JOHNSON”Zen L. Honeycutt is—first and foremost—a mom. She is also an activist, speaker, author, founding executive director of Moms Across America, and co-creator, with Dr. Vandana Shiva, of Mothers Across the World.Known for being UNSTOPPABLE, Zen makes a practice of going head-to-head with government agencies, big corporations, and anyone who believes that things simply are the way they are and that it’s impossible to create change. She has it on good authority—her mother—that we are all amazing. And she knows from experience that anything is possible. Her own story is proof of her beliefs.
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