Today’s children face a crisis of inactivity which is the root cause of a wide range of health problems. Shape Up Us has joined Active Schools with their movement for “more movement” in our schools and you can help.
For years, schools have been focusing more on academics and less on physical fitness. Only six states require physical education in every grade, and only 20% of school districts require daily recess.
That needs to change. Studies show that kids who get an hour of physical activity per day:
- Do 20% better in class
- Miss an average of five fewer days of school per year
- Have 40% fewer disciplinary complaints
Active Schools is an organization that promotes movement in schools as a means of building healthier kids.
How can you help? By becoming an Active Schools Champion. It only takes a couple of minutes to sign up, and it is free. There is no obligation, but there are many ways to get involved if you have the desire. As a champion, you will have access to valuable resources, such as tips on getting grants for your school, as well as special discounts on programs, equipment, training and technology.
As an Active Schools partner, Shape Up Us is offering Active Schools Champions access to
many of our incredible programs and tools.
First is a Health and Wellness Expo that includes our signature Shape Up Us and Young Lions Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course. Shape Up Us has been implementing these across the country, bringing in thousands of participants to learn more about the wellness movement. We partner with host communities to provide a day of fun that promotes health and helps prevent chronic disease.
Next, we’re offering free to champions our Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children. This is a K-6 open curriculum for in-school and distance learning that aims to combat childhood obesity. Instead of focusing solely on exercise and nutrition, this program focuses on the whole child, providing techniques on stress reduction, creativity, critical thinking and character development. A unique blend of art, music, and positive thinking motivate children to build a foundation of wellness. Enroll as a champion between November 30 and December and receive this program, an $800 value, for your school free. After signing up, drop a note to with your name, phone number, email, city, state and school to receive your free code to download the programs.
Finally, you can get a free Clap4Health Fundraiser for your school.
What’s Clap4Health? It’s a method to get active, get healthy and be happy. This fundraiser incorporates clapping as a means of raising money and awareness of the benefits of clapping for health. Our body has 340 known acupressure points, 28 of them in our hands. When you clap, you stimulate these pressure points, and you get happier. You keep 50% of the funds you raise using our tools to implement your event.
So, join the movement to help increase academic success, boost emotional and mental health, as well as build long-term healthy habits. Together, we can solve the crisis of inactivity. The movement starts with you.