Lisa Weinrib, MD, aka “Dr. Lisa,” was a doctor with a successful rheumatology practice before she had a remarkable spiritual experience which took her life in a totally different direction. She started a natural healing practice which included the use of herbs, homeopathy, flower essences, essential oils, and even shamanic practices, affirmations, and prayers. She realized it wasn’t just people’s bodies or minds that needed healing. Their souls needed to be healed first, and then healing could take place in all other aspects of their lives. Using her highly-developed intuition and focusing on soul healing, Dr. Lisa has helped people heal from many types of problems in their everyday lives. One of Dr. Lisa’s passions is to help people develop their own intuition and “become their own gurus.” More information about Dr. Lisa’s holistic practice can be found on her website, www.intuitivemd.com. Her book, Healing the Soul: An Intuitive MD’s Prescription for Health and Wholeness is available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Soul-Intuitive-Prescription-Wholeness/dp/1728312795.