
Shape Up US has volunteer opportunities available for our Health and Wellness Expos. These one-day events are held at various locations each year. Volunteers needed for full shifts or 1/2 shifts—helping out with the featured activities areas, greeting attendees, volunteer table, 5K Run, handing out grab bags, working as line managers and lots more fun. Thanks for you!

Complete the following registration form to sign up as a volunteer for an upcoming event. Or complete and return the Volunteer Registration Form here.

    Event (required)

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number

    Zip Code

    Child's Name


    Child's Name


    Child's Name


    Child's Name


    Photo/Video Release

    Where did you hear about Shape Up US?

    Please explain other.

    I grant Shape Up US permission to use my likeness or that of the children named above in a photo/video, without payment or any other compensation. I certify that I am the parent/guardian of the children listed above, and do hereby give my consent without reservation on behalf of this person.

    Parent/Guardian Signature (required)

    Please check the box below.