Zen L. Honeycutt is—first and foremost—a mom. She is also an activist, speaker, author, founding executive director of Moms Across America, and co-creator, with Dr. Vandana Shiva, of Mothers Across the World.Known for being UNSTOPPABLE, Zen makes a practice of going head-to-head with government agencies, big corporations, and anyone who believes that things simply are the way they are and that it’s impossible to create change. She has it on good authority—her mother—that we are all amazing. And she knows from experience that anything is possible. Her own story is proof of her beliefs.
Happy to speak to anyone interested in better health for all, she has been featured on ABC, CNN, The Dr. Oz Show, the Wall Street Journal, CSPAN, Fox News, Reuter’s, Huffington Post, and many other media outlets. Zen is available for consulting to nonprofits, organizations, and companies that support the expansion of the organic market and sustainable, toxin-free lifestyles. She has created several successful social media platforms, including the Moms Across America Facebook page, which reaches over a million people a month. Her documentary Communities Rising highlights efforts across our nation to transform the food supply.
For years she has been motivating groups around the globe to take action to improve their quality of life, health, and food. Speaking tours have taken her to many countries around the world, even Monsanto’s shareholder meetings, to speak on behalf of our children’s health. Zen initiated the first glyphosate testing in America which has sparked policy change and successful multi-billion dollar lawsuits. Zen, formerly of Connecticut, New York City, and California, currently resides in North Carolina with Todd, her husband of twenty-one years, Ben, Bodee, and Bronson, her three sons, and twenty-six farm animals. In her spare time, Zen loves life drawing, swing dancing, gardening, and singing off-key. To get in touch with Zen or Moms Across America, visit zenhoneycutt.com, momsacrossamerica.org, or facebook.com/MomsAcrossAmerica.