Josie is a mother, a wife, a life long resident of North Carolina, a long time vegan, and a zero waster. You can follow her journey on her seldom updated blog at, catch her at area talks, or join her zero waste efforts in the Facebook group Going Green!
My journey into the Health and wellness field started with my own health challenges. As a child I suffered from eczema and severe problems with respiratory disorders of Asthma, Bronchitis and Pneumonia. I was taking drugs and puffers daily for years to control symptoms and was hospitalized once or twice a year. In my early twenties my health problems had reached a crescendo. Tests were showing that I had lost lung capacity and Medical Doctors recommended a more intense drug regime and they suggested that by my sixes my health could deteriorate to something as serious as emphysema. I had been introduced to the world of natural therapies a few years before but had not used them in earnest until I was faced with this grim future. So, I decided to turn to homeopathy and started on a true wellness journey. Today I have no eczema, I rarely use drugs to control asthma (once every few years), and no hospitalizations for decades.
Elizabeth Welles is a writer and storyteller, an artist and teacher, a healer and guide. She is the author of Journaling for Well-Being & Peace and Women Celebrate: The Gift in Every Moment. She created the CD/mp3, Meditation for Relaxation, the sleep package, Sleep, Rise N Shine, and the online course about resting, How to Rest: A Loving Guide for the Wearied, the Anxious, and the Grieved.
Kimberly Cabral is the founder and CEO of MASK (Mothers Awareness on School-age Kids), and the Publisher of MASK The Magazine. MASK, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, was established in 2007. Kimberly is the mother of a blended family of five children who was inspired to create MASK after a conversation in the car with her son who was about to enter middle school. Realizing that issues relating to drug use, drinking, bullying, and technology safety are affecting children much younger than the then established prevention programs were being delivered, she approached two other moms who shared her concern about the safety and well-being of children. Together, after receiving training by experts such as police detectives and psychologists in areas that included drugs, bullying, self-esteem and internet safety, they formed MASK.
Before becoming a Food for Life instructor, Linda developed a healthy, low-fat, whole-foods, vegan mentoring program. Her personal mission is to help people regain their health and well-being through nutrition education and by showing them how to lead a lifestyle of compassion to promote both healthful eating and animal advocacy. She mentors her clients with grocery store tours to help them identify and make healthful eating choices. Linda supplies them with recipes and informational books from Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. John McDougall, Rip Esselstyn, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Greger, and Dr. T. Colin Campbell. Monthly vegan potlucks and/or speakers and dine-outs are held to encourage a sense of community. Linda often lectures at schools, universities, churches, state agencies, and libraries. In addition, she teaches step, body sculpting, and Pilates at California Family Fitness and is a Personal Trainer.