Education Shapes Our World and Every Child Is Entitled To A Great Start!
Studies Show: Healthy Students Get Better Grades, Attend School More Often and Behave Better In Class –The Missing Link and Easy Solution- A Healthy Literacy Curriculum for the “Whole Child”.
4HHHH Program — Happy, Healthy, Harmonious, Heroes
What is The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™?
A World Class Digital Curriculum – We Are Engaging Students and Empowering Educators and their Families

A K-6th grade – Comprehensive Healthy Literacy Education Curriculum (mind, body and emotion) that has been created to “Build A Culture of Health” through our educational system. This program provides an innovative approach to solve many of the greatest problems that face today’s youth, all of which affect academic performance. It provides our children with the tools to flourish and be resilient! To guide them to blossom into their full potential (mentally, physically and emotionally).
The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™ uses a unique mix of art, music, and positive thinking to motivate children to build a foundation of wellness.
- Instead of focusing solely on exercise and nutrition, an approach that has been tried repeatedly, the eight modules integrate a full-spectrum of self-discovery and self-esteem techniques.
Why is this program is Sustainable?
We are teaching through Personalized Learning by grouping our program K-3 and 4 th -6th . This allows children to learn at there “Own Pace” and in their own “Best” way. It flows from teacher, to student, to family, to community.
- It has been created to “Build A Culture of Health” through our Educational System that is repeated throughout their primary school years
- It uses all five senses to learn
- The techniques include: stress reduction, creativity building, positive group dynamics, critical thinking, character development and community involvement
- It increases teacher effectiveness in teaching in Common Core competencies (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving) and bringing back art, music and physical education back into the classroom through core curriculum
- It is Aligned to Bridge The Gap – This program can be implemented five different ways: Classroom Teacher, PE and Wellness Coaches, After-School Programs, Camps and Train 8 Teachers – Teach the Parents
- It encompasses the “Whole Child”
- It is a ONE-TIME Purchase – not a licensing program – once purchase it – it is yours for the life of the teacher
What does it provide?
An on-line curriculum and resources that “Transforms Our Children” through a Train-The-Trainer model that will “Positively” affect ALL who engage in this program. It is the The Solution To Lifestyle and Behavioral Changes – Building Character and Resilience by “Shaping” who they become at a very young age!
Why is this program “One of A Kind”?
Instead of focusing solely on exercise and nutrition, an approach that has been tried repeatedly, the eight modules integrate a full-spectrum of self-discovery and self-esteem techniques in addition to health and wellness information. The techniques include stress reduction, creativity building, positive group dynamics, critical thinking, character development and community involvement. It encompasses the “Whole Child”
- It focuses on the “Whole Child” instead of solely on exercise and nutrition; the eight modules of the 3HHH program integrate a full-spectrum of self-discovery and self-esteem techniques in addition to health and wellness information. The techniques include: stress reduction, creativity building, positive group dynamics, critical thinking, character development and community involvement.
- First plant base curriculum ever created for K-6th grade
- Created it’s own fitness program called, “Clap4Health!” Be Happy! Be Health! Be Active! An activity that everyone can participate. We clap our hands to show happiness and appreciation. In conjunction with other types of movement like dance and sports, it can improve motor and spatial skills and enhance emotional, sociological, physiological and cognitive benefits. www.Clap4Health.com
- “Power of the Word” a unique curriculum for K-6th grade
- “Pet Power” designed to help understand how relationships with pets can contribute to one’s quality of life.
Take A Look – Click on any of the four links below for Sample Modules
The eight web-based modules, which are delivered on demand to teachers, are:
Each Module has 4-7 Units – Each Unit has 2-3 Lessons
Each Lesson has 2 to 3 Activities – 1 Core Lesson and 2 Enrichment Lessons
Module 1: Meet Doctor Beat … Your Fascinating Heart
Module 2: Take Down the Pressure … Mind/Body/Emotion Techniques
Module 3: SUPERFOODS! … Nutrition for Great Health
- PLANT POWER! – Plant-Based Nutrition for Healthy Kids
- Bonus Unit: Water Power!
- Bonus Unit: Mineral Power!
Module 4: Improve Your Groove … The Many Benefits of Exercise
- Clap4Heath!SM
- Kids Yoga
Module 5: Grin It, Win It … Dental Health Means Heart Health
Module 6: Think Hip ‘n Happy … Positive Thinking for a Healthy Heart
- Bonus Unit: “The Power of Your Word”
- Bullying
- Pet Power
Module 7: Money Matters … First Steps to Financial Freedom
Module 8: Join the Green Team … Teamwork for a Healthy Planet