Take a look at our Free Materials to get a sample of The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™ a K-6th grade comprehensive healthy literacy education curriculum (mind, body and emotion) that has been created to “Build A Culture of Health” through our educational system.
The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children™ can be implemented five different ways:
- Classroom Teacher
- P.E. and Wellness Coaches
- After-School Programs
- Camps
- Train 8 Teachers to Teach and Eight Week Program to Parents
If you would like to learn more about the program please click here.
Considering using the Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children® in your classroom or home? Take a look at some examples of the materials provided with the program:
Plant-Based Children and Advocacy
Samples From the Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for ChildrenTM

- Bounce Back
- Meet Dr. Beat
- Rock Your Smile
- Plaque Attack
- Tell the Truth
- Terrific Teeth
- Hip Hop Homeopathy
Music and Lyrics by: Will Cook Salinas
Song is sung by: Darnell Hill
Rap Mixes
Interested in purchasing the full program? Click here for more information.